Personal Data



W-HA undertakes, within the framework of its activities and in accordance with the legislation in force in France and Europe, to ensure the protection, confidentiality and security of the personal data of the users of its services, as well as to respect their privacy.

This Policy informs you about how W-HA, its subcontractors and its banking partners process your personal data.

This Policy is applicable in particular to customers and users of W-HA offers and services and to visitors to the sites:

It may be supplemented by specific information brought to the attention of the user, regarding a particular offer or service.

Complain about your personal data


W-HA only processes personal data for specific, explicit and legitimate purposes directly related to the offers. As such, W-HA processes your data in the context of the performance of a contract.

The purposes pursued by W-HA are as follows:

Manage the identity of the customer or user and authenticate
it Manage the order
Manage the equipment
Invoice and collect payments
Provide Pre-Sales Service and sell
Provide After-Sales Service
Manage personal data, characteristics and rights of use a contract
Process terminations
Process complaints
Communicate for customer management
Manage incoming mail
Collect unpaid bills
Manage disputes
Manage requests relating to the rights of data subjects
Store customer or user data
Offer services authentication
Operate the network
Operate the services
W-HA also carries out data processing for purposes other than the strict execution of contracts. In this case, W-HA ensures that it has a legitimate interest in carrying out the processing. In addition, processing may be subject, as far as necessary, to the collection of your consent, which you may withdraw at any time.

To this end, the purposes pursued by W-HA are as follows:

Organize direct marketing operations
Organize commercial
events Analyze the use of offers and services to make proposals to the customer
Survey customers or users
Improve offers and customer relations
Ensure the security of platforms and services
Deploy and operate offers and services
Fight against fraud
Your data is kept for the time necessary to fulfill the purposes mentioned above.

W-HA also processes your data to meet its legal or regulatory obligations

To this end, the purposes pursued by W-HA are as follows:

Keep the data required to be able to meet legal obligations
Manage requests for communication of data from authorized authorities
Ensure the blocking of access to services in the event of a legal request
Your data is kept for the duration necessary for the fulfillment of the purposes mentioned above. With regard to processing relating to the performance of the contract, the data may be kept for a maximum of 5 years from the end of the relationship, except as required by law or regulation. Your data may then be kept for the time necessary to enable W-HA to meet its legal obligations.

W-HA is also likely to process your data for statistical purposes, including by marketing the statistics obtained. In this case, all the data is made anonymous beforehand.



Depending on the case, W-HA processes your personal data, directly collected from you or resulting from the use of the products or services. W-HA is also likely to be the recipient of data that has been collected from you by a third party.

W-HA only processes data or a category of data if it is strictly necessary for the purpose pursued. You can find information on these purposes above.

W-HA processes the following categories of data:

Identification data: Surname, first names, identifier, SIREN…
Personal characteristics: date of birth, nationality…
Contact data: postal address, email, telephone number… Economic and financial data
: means of payment, payment history…
connection, use of services and interaction: Connection and usage logs, intervention report, etc.
Products and services owned or used
Profiles and scores allowing customer segmentation
Location data


The data collected is intended for the internal services of W-HA and its subcontractors.

The data is also processed by W-HA partners to comply with banking regulatory obligations. These are situations where its banking partners intervene to provide services. It may also be processing to which you are asked to consent.

Finally, the data processed may be transmitted to the competent authorities, at their request, in the context of legal proceedings, in the context of legal research and requests for information from the authorities or in order to comply with other legal obligations.



The data collected may be processed outside the European Union. In this case, W-HA makes the necessary arrangements with its subcontractors and partners to guarantee an adequate level of protection for your data, in full compliance with the applicable regulations.

If the subcontractors and partners concerned are not members of the Privacy Shield agreement with regard to transfers to the United States of America, or are not located in a country with legislation considered to offer protection adequate, they will then have previously signed the “standard contractual clauses” of the European Commission or will be subject to binding internal rules approved by the authorities.



You have the right to access, rectify and delete data concerning you. You can request the portability of these. You also have the right to oppose the processing carried out or to request its limitation.

You can issue instructions on the retention, deletion or communication of your personal data after your death.

Rules specific to telephone canvassing: Any consumer can register free of charge on an opposition list called “Bloctel” in order to no longer be canvassed by telephone by a professional with whom he has no current contractual relationship. The consumer can register on the site or by mail addressed to: Société Opposetel, Service Bloctel, 6, rue Nicolas Siret – 10 000 Troyes



You can exercise your rights at any time, as well as contact the Personal Data Protection Officer at the addresses below.

Any request to exercise your rights must be accompanied by a photocopy of proof of identity (national identity card issued by the French State or European Union identity card or passport, resident card issued by the French State, residence permit issued by the French State or circulation booklet issued by the French State). A response will be sent to you within one month of receipt of your request.

Electronic Money Offers

W-HA electronic money – Management of personal data, 31 place Ronde, 92800 Puteaux

Payment offers

W-HA electronic banking, Personal data management, 31 place Ronde, 92800 Puteaux

Possibility of contacting the supervisory authority in charge of compliance with personal data obligations

If your exchanges with W-HA have not been satisfactory, you have the possibility of lodging a complaint with the supervisory authority in charge of compliance with the obligations in terms of personal data:

For customers in France: Commission Nationale l’Informatique et des Libertés – CNIL (address: 3 place de Fontenoy TSA 80715 – 75334 Paris Cedex 07);
For customers in Belgium: Data Protection Authority (address: rue de a presse, 35 1000 Brussels);
For customers in Italy: Garante per la protezione dei dati personali (address: Piazza Venezia 11, 00187 Roma – Italy)
For customers in the Netherlands: Dutch Data Protection Authority (address: Postbus 93374 2509 AJ DEN HAAG – The Netherlands .



W-HA ensures that your data is treated securely and confidentially, including when certain operations are carried out by subcontractors. For this purpose the appropriate technical and organizational measures to prevent the loss, misuse, alteration and deletion of personal data concerning you are put in place. These measures are adapted according to the level of sensitivity of the data processed and according to the level of risk presented by the processing or its implementation.



This Personal Data Protection Policy may change.

Last updated on 17/02/2022.



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